
Screens and Hedges

African Boxwood

African Sumac

Alphonse Karr Bamboo

American Arborvitae, Eastern White

American Sweet Gum

Native Plant

Anchor Bay Creeping Ceanothus

Arrowwood Viburnum

Australian Rosemary

Austrian Pine

Autumn Sage

Azurea Bush Germander

Beauty Bush

Native Plant

Big Berry Manzanita

Native Plant

Big-Leaf Maple, Oregon or Canyon Ma

Black Bamboo

Black Lace Elderberry

Black Tea Tree

Blackstem Pittosporum, Tawhiwhi

Native Plant

Blue Blossom Ceanothus

Blue Haven Juniper

Blue Point Juniper

Border Pine

Bottle Tree, Kurrajong


Bougainvillea, Barbara Karst

Bougainvillea, California Gold

Bridal Wreath

Burford Holly

Bush Germander

Bushy Yate, Leymann's Gum

Native Plant

California Bay, Oregon Myrtle

Native Plant

California Black Oak

Native Plant

California Coffee Berry

Native Plant

California Lilac

California Pepper, Mission Pepper

Native Plant

California Wild Grape

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Honeysuckle

Capital Callery Pear

Carob Tree, Algarroba Bean, St. Joh

Carolina Laurel Cherry

Native Plant

Catalina Cherry

Cecile Brunner Rose (polyantha)

Chinese Elm

Chinese Flame Tree

Chinese Pistache

Coast Rosemary

Native Plant

Coast Redwood

Native Plant

Coast Silktassel

Colorado Blue Spruce

Colorado Spruce

Columnar Norway Maple

Native Plant

Common Flannel Bush

Common Lilac

Common Morning Glory

Compact Karo

Compact Myrtle

Native Plant

Concha California Lilac

Cork Oak

Native Plant

Coulter Pine, Bigcone Pine

Native Plant

Cream Bush, Ocean Spray

Creeping Fig

Crimson Spot Rockrose

Native Plant

Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac

Dbl. White Lady Banks' Rose

Native Plant

Desert Willow

Diabolo Purple Ninebark

Double Flower Mock Orange

Native Plant

Douglas Fir

Douglas Pyramidal Arborvitae

Dwarf Carolina Laurel Cherry

Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Dwarf Scotch Pine

Dwarf Strawberry Tree

Dwarf Weeping White Pine

Eugenia Brush Cherry

Eulalia Grass

Eulalia Grass

Evergreen Clematis

Fern Pine

Fiery Cascade Pyracantha

Flameleaf Sumac

Native Plant

Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.

Flaxleaf Paperbark

Forest Hills Pyracantha

Fraser Photinia

Gaiety Girl New Zealand Tea Tree

Native Plant

Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood, Big

Giant Timber Bamboo

Glossy Abelia, White Abelia

Gold Dust Plant

Gold Spot Euonymus

Golden Bamboo, Fish Pole Bamboo

Golden Breath Of Heaven

Golden Goddess Bamboo

Golden Wattle

Gray Gleam Juniper

Gray Honey Myrtle

Green Pyramid Arborvitae


Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle

Helene Strybing Manuka Tea Tree

Hetz Arborvitae

Hillside Creeper Scotch Pine

Native Plant

Holly-Leaf or Islay Cherry

Honey Myrtle, Granite-Bottlebrush

Hopseed Bush

Native Plant

Incense Cedar

Native Plant

Island Ironwood

Native Plant

Island Tree Mallow

Italian Alder

Italian Buckthorn

Italian Cypress

Italian Stone Pine

Japanese Camellia

Japanese or Oriental Persimmon

Japanese Viburnum

Native Plant

Jojoba, Goat Nut

Native Plant

Julia Phelps California Lilac

Koster Blue Spruce

Lady Banks' Rose

Lalandei Pyracantha

Laurestinus Viburnum

Lavender Starflower

Lemon Bottlebrush

Native Plant

Lemonade Berry

Leyland Cypress

Lilac Melaleuca

Limber Pine

Liquidambar, American Sweet Gum

Little White Oleander

Littleleaf Linden

Maiden Grass

Mayten Tree

Mexican Orange, Mex. Mock Orange

Miss Molly Butterfly Bush

Native Plant

Monterey Cypress

Morning Light Silver Grass

Native Plant

Mound San Bruno Coffeeberry

Mugho Pine


Myrtle, True Myrtle

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

Natal Plum

New Zealand Christmas Tree, Pohutuk

New Zealand Flax

Noell's Grevillea

Oldham Bamboo


Native Plant

Oregon Grape

Oriental Arborvitae

Oriental Fountain Grass

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone

Native Plant

Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush

Native Plant

Pacific Wax Myrtle

Paperbark Tree, Cajeput Tree

Parney or Red Clusterberry Cotoneas

Petite Pink Oleander

Petite Salmon Oleander

Native Plant

Pine Hill Flannel Bush

Pineapple Guava, Feijoa

Pink Breath Of Heaven

Pink Melaleuca

Native Plant

Ponderosa Pine

Native Plant

Port Orford Cedar, Lawson Cypress o

Primrose Jasmine

Purple Hopseed Bush or Hop Bush

Purple Leaf Acacia


Pyramidal European Hornbean

Red Maple

Native Plant

Red Flowering Currant

Red Push Chinese Pistache

Red-Cap Gum

Ribbon Gum

Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea

Rosenka Bougainvillea

Royal Purple Smokebush

Ruby Glow Manuka

Sandankwa Viburnum

Sansanqua or Sun Camellia

Santa Cruz Pyracantha

Scot's Pine

Shiny Xylosma

Shrub Bougainvillea, Torch Glow

Siberian Elm

Siberian Peashrub

Silver Wormwood

Snow White Flowering Tea Tree

Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay

Native Plant

Spice Bush

Strawberry Guava

Strawberry Madrone, Marina Strawber

Strawberry Tree, Strawberry Madrone

Native Plant

Sugar Bush

Sugar Pine

Sweet Bay, Bay Leaf, Grecian Laurel

Sweet Hakea

Sweet Olive, Tea Olive

Native Plant

Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak

Tarata Pittosporum

Texas Ranger, Cenizo, Texas Sage

Tiny Towers Italian Cypress

Native Plant

Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl

Tropical Hibiscus, Rose of China

Turkish Hazel

Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary

Upright Japanese Yew

Vanderwolf's Pyramid Pine

Variegated Common Myrtle

Variegated Italian Buckthorn

Variegated Japanese Silver Grass

Variegated New Zealand Xmas Tree

Variegated Tobira

Veronica Lake Hebe

Native Plant

Western Redbud

White Pine

White Spruce


Yew Pine