
Fast Growing Plants

Acapulco Night Hybrid Daylily

African Daisy

Ajuga, Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle

Native Plant

Alkali Sacaton or Dropseed

All That Jazz Bearded Iris

Allepo Pine

Alphonse Karr Bamboo

American Bittersweet

American or African Marigold

American Sycamore

Angelina Stonecrop

Annual Strawflower, Everlasting

Anthony Waterer Spirea

Native Plant

Apache Plume

Apple Blossom Moss Phlox

Native Plant

Apricot Mallow

Arizona Ash

Native Plant

Aromas Sage

Arrowwood Viburnum

Native Plant

Arroyo Lupine


Australian Tree Fern

Australian Willow, Wilga

Autumn Joy Sedum

Autumn Moor Grass

Autumn Sage

Bahia Hybrid Daylily

Bamboo Muhly

Banksia Rose

Bear's Breech, Acanthus

Bearberry Cotoneaster

Beaucatcher Bearded Iris

Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Berkeley Sedge

Beverly Sills Bearded Iris

Bitsy Hybrid Daylily

Black Bamboo

Black Eyed Susan Vine

Black Flowering Fountain Grass

Black Mission Fig

Black Tea Tree

Black-Eyed Stella Hybrid Daylily

Blackwood Acacia


Blatant Bearded Iris

Blue Atlas Cedar

Native Plant

Blue Beach Aster, Seaside Daisy

Blue Dawn Flower

Native Plant

Blue Elderberry

Native Plant

Blue Eyed Grass

Blue Marguerite, Blue Felicia Daisy

Blue Pfitzer Juniper

Blue Rug Juniper

Native Plant

Blue Sage

Blue Staccato Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Blue Wildrye

Boston Ivy




Bougainvillea, Barbara Karst

Bougainvillea, California Gold

Bower Actinidia

Bower Vine

Bowles Mauve Wallflower

Breakers Bearded Iris

Brilliant Showy Stonecrop

Brisbane Box

Bronze Loquat

Brown Sedge

Bush Morning Glory

Bushy Yate, Leymann's Gum

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly-Iris, Fortnight Lily


Calendula, Pot Marigold

Native Plant

California Buckwheat

Native Plant

California Fan Palm

Native Plant

California Fuchsia

Native Plant

California Fuchsia, Zauschneria

Native Plant

California Gray Rush

Native Plant

California Lilac

California Pepper, Mission Pepper

Native Plant

California Poppy, Golden Poppy

Native Plant

California Sagebrush

Native Plant

California Sycamore

Native Plant

California Wild Grape

Calla Lilly


Canary Island Pine

Native Plant

Canyon Gray Sagebrush

Native Plant

Canyon Prince Wild Rye, Island Blue

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Mallow

Cape or Monarch Daisy

Cape Plumbago

Cape Rush

Native Plant

Carmel Creeper

Carnation, Clove Pink, Pinks

Carnival Lantana

Carolina Jessamine

Cat's Claw Vine, Yellow Trumpet Vin

Cecile Brunner Rose (polyantha)

Native Plant

Cedros Island Verbena

Chamomile, Roman Chamomile

Native Plant


Chinese Elm

Chinese Wisteria

Chinese Wisteria

Chir Pine



Christine Lantana

Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower

Coast Rosemary

Coast Beefwood, Mountain She-Oak

Native Plant

Coast Redwood

Cockspur Coral Tree, Ceibo

Columnar Norway Maple

Native Plant

Common Flannel Bush

Common Garden Canna

Common Garden Petunia

Common Hackberry

Common Morning Glory

Common Pansy

Common Sunflower

Common Trumpet Creeper

Native Plant

Common Yarrow, Milfoil

Common Zinnia

Native Plant

Concha California Lilac

Native Plant

Conejo Buckwheat

Copper King Gazania

Coral Beauty Bearded Iris

Coral Fountain, Firecracker Plant

Coral Vine, Queen's Wreath

Cornflower, Bachelor's Button


Native Plant

Coyote Bush

Native Plant

Coyote Bush Prostrate

Creeping Fig

Creeping St. John's wort, Aaron's B

Crested Celosia, Chinese Woolflower

Crimson King Maple

D. Moon Hybrid Daylily

Dahlia (assorted)

Dalmation Bellflower

Native Plant

Dara's Choice Creeping Sage

Dbl. White Lady Banks' Rose

Native Plant

Deer Grass

Native Plant


Delicate Treasure Day Lily

Deodar Cedar, Calif. Christmas Tree

Desert Malee

Diabolo Purple Ninebark

Diana Rose Of Sharon

Donkey Tail, Burro Tail

Double Sunburst Coreopsis

Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris

Dusty Miller

Dutch Iris or Spanish Iris

Dwarf Morning Glory

Dymondia, Rock Ditty

Early Sunrise Coreopsis

Eaton Canyon Dwarf Fountain Grass

Echo De France Bearded Iris

Emerald Gaiety Euonymus


Eugenia Brush Cherry

Eulalia Grass

Eulalia Grass

European Grapevine


Evan's Hebe, Veronica Rubra

Evergreen Candytuft

Evergreen Clematis

Fan Flower

Fearnleaf Acacia, Bailey Acacia

Feather Reed Grass

Fiesta Red Gazania

Fireworks Dwarf Fountain Grass

Five-Leaf Akebia

Flameleaf Sumac

Native Plant

Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.

Native Plant

Flattop Buckwheat

Flaxleaf Paperbark

Floss Silk Tree, Kapok

Flowering Maple, Chinese Lantern

Flowering or Evergreen Pear

Native Plant

Foothill, Gray or Digger Pine

Four O'Clock


Frades or Compact Escallonia

Fraser Photinia

Freesia, Tecolote (strain)

Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai

French Marigold

Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris

Fruitland Silverberry

Fruitless Mulberry, White Mulberry

Garden Nasturtium

Garden Ranunculus, Persian Buttercu

Garnet Penstemon

Gazania, Treasure Flower

Geraldton Wax Flower


Native Plant

Giant Sequoia, Sierra Redwood, Big

Giant Timber Bamboo

Native Plant

Giant Wild Rye

Gingerbread Man Hybrid Daylily

Native Plant

Globe Gilia

Globe Norway Maple

Gloriosa Daisy

Gloriosa Daisy

Glossy Abelia, White Abelia

Gold Coast Juniper

Golden Bamboo, Fish Pole Bamboo

Golden Goddess Bamboo

Golden Pothos, Devil's Ivy

Golden Wattle

Goldfink Coreopsis

Graberi Pyracantha

Grape Ivy

Gray Honey Myrtle

Great Bellflower

Green & Gold Euryops

Green Lavender Cotton


Ground Cover Natal Plum

Ground Cover Potentilla

Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle

Hawaiian Elf Schefflera

Hawaiian Heather, False Heather

Heather Blush Bearded Iris

Hemstiched Bearded Iris

Hidcote Goldencup St. Johnswort

Hidcote Hypericum

Hildmann Cactus


Homestead Purple Verbena

Honey Bush

Native Plant

Horsetail Reed

Horsetail Tree

Hybrid Gazanias

Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)

Hybrid White Rockrose

Iceberg Floribunda Rose

Iceland Poppy

Idaho Locust

Imperial Bronze Bearded Iris

Incana Cranesbill

Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy

Native Plant

Island Alum Root

Native Plant

Island Ironwood

Native Plant

Island Snapdragon, Catalina Is. Bus

Native Plant

Island Tree Mallow

Italian Alder

Italian Buckthorn

Ivy Geranium

Jamaica White Bougainvillea

Japanese Black Pine

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Jelecote Pine, Mexican Pine

Johnny Jump Up

Johnson's Blue Cranesbill

Joseph's Coat

Native Plant

Joyce Coulter California Lilac

Judith Hybrid Daylily

Native Plant

Julia Phelps California Lilac

Jupiter's Beard, Red Valerian

Kangaroo Paw

Kiwi, Chinese Gooseberry vine

La Jolla Bougainvillea

Lady Banks' Rose

Lady Elizabeth Hybrid Daylily

Lady Lucille Hybrid Daylily


Ladybird Mix Cosmos

Lamb's Ear

Lamb's Ears

Native Plant

Laurel Sumac

Lavender Cotton

Lavender Queen Bougainvillea

Lavender Starflower

Lavender Swirl TM Lantana

Leather Leaf Sedge

Lee Bea Orange Crush Hybrid Daylily

Lemon Balm

Lemon Bottlebrush

Lemon Scented Gum

Native Plant

Lemonade Berry

Leyland Cypress

Licorice Mint

Light Beam Bearded Iris

Lilac Melaleuca

Lion's Tail

Lippia, Creeping Lippia

Lipstick Verbena

Little Bule Stem

Little Miss Eulalia Grass

Little White Oleander

London Plane Tree



Lucifer Crocosmia

Lullaby Baby Day Lily

Majestic Beauty Floss Silk Tree (th


Marguerite Daisy, Paris Daisy

Native Plant

Matilija Poppy

Mexican Fan Palm

Mexican Feather Grass

Mexican Orange, Mex. Mock Orange

Ming Asparagus, Cloud Asparagus

Miss Molly Butterfly Bush

Monarch Blanketflower

Native Plant

Monterey Cypress

Native Plant

Monterey Pine

Moonshine Yarrow

Morello Hummingbird Mint

Native Plant

Mosquito Grass, Blue Grama Grass

Mother-of-Thyme, Creeping Thyme

Native Plant

Mound San Bruno Coffeeberry

Native Plant

Mountain Pennyroyal

Mountain Violet Bearded Iris


New Gold Trailing Lantana

New Gold Trailing Lantana

New Mexico Sunflower

New Zealand Flax

New Zealand Flax

New Zealand Flax

Nichol's Willow-leafed Peppermint

Norway Maple

Oldham Bamboo


Orange Blaze Hot Poker

Orange Crush Day Lily

Orchid or Purple Rockrose

Oregon Ash

Oriental Fountain Grass

Ornamental onion

Native Plant

Pacific Mist Manzanita

Native Plant

Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush

Pandora's Box Hybrid Daylily

Paperbark Tree, Cajeput Tree

Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris

Parney or Red Clusterberry Cotoneas

Passion Fruit, Liliko'i, Purple Gr

Patriot TM Lantana Classic-Passion

Peppermint Tree, Willow Myrtle

Perennial Marigold, Copper Canyon D

Petite Pink Oleander

Petite Salmon Oleander

Pineapple Guava, Feijoa

Pink Abelia

Pink Anemone Clematis, Rubens

Pink Champagne Marguerite

Pink Coral Rockrose

Pink Flower Japanese Wisteria

Pink Jasmine

Pink Melaleuca

Pink Mexican Evening Primrose

Pink Muhly Regal Mist®

Native Plant

Point Sal Spreader Sage

Polydan Eucalyptus

Poppy Mallow, Wine Cups

Pork And Beans

Potato Vine

Powis Castle Artemisia

Premier Bearded Iris

Pride Of Madeira

Primrose Jasmine

Primrose Tree, Cow Itch Tree

Prostata Juniper

Prostrate or Spreading Acacia

Native Plant

Pumpkin Monkey Flower

Native Plant

Purisima Island Tree Mallow

Purple Coneflower

Purple Fountain Grass

Purple Hopseed Bush or Hop Bush

Purple Leaf Acacia

Purple Robe Locust

Native Plant

Purple Sage

Purple Showers Viola, Tuffed Pansy

Native Plant

Quail Bush, Lens-scale

Native Plant

Quartz Creek Rush

Radiation Lantana

Rainbow Fescue

Rainbow Warrior New Zealand Flax

Raspberry Splash Lungwort

Native Plant

Ray Hartman Ceanothus

Red Apple Ice Plant, Aptenia

Red Bird Of Paradise, Dwarf Poincia

Native Plant

Red Buckwheat

Native Plant

Red Flowering Currant

Native Plant

Red Monkey Flower

Red Paintbrush Grass

Red-Cap Gum

Reincarnation Bearded Iris

River She-Oak

Rock Soapwort


Rojo Alto Hybrid Daylily

Rose Trailing Ice Plant

Rosea Eucalyptus

Rosea Ice Plant

Rosea Tree Mallow

Rosenka Bougainvillea

Native Plant

Royal Beard Tongue

Royal Purple Smokebush

Rozanne Cranesbil


Sageleaf Rockrose

Saltillo Evening Primrose

Native Plant

San Miguel Island Buckwheat

Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy

Native Plant

Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat, Wild B

Santa Cruz Pyracantha

Sawleaf Zelkova

Native Plant

Scarlet Monkeyflower

Scarlet Trumpet Vine

Native Plant

Sea Dahlia

Sea of Joy Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Sea Pink, Common Thrift

Seashore Artemisia

Shademaster Locust

Shamel Ash

Shasta Daisy

Shrub Bougainvillea, Torch Glow

Siberian Peashrub

Native Plant

Sideoats Grama

Silk & Heavy Hybrid Daylily

Silk Tree, Mimosa Tree

Native Plant

Silver Carpet Lessingia

Silver Dollar Gum, Red Box Gum

Silver Leaf Marguerite

Silver Maple

Silver Mound Artemisia

Silver Mountain Gum

Silver Wormwood

Native Plant

Silver Wormwood

Sky Flower



Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay

Spanish Lavender

Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower

Spider Flower

Split Leaf or Selloum Philodendron

Spreading Acacia

Sprenger Asparagus

Native Plant

St. Catherine's Lace

Standard Rose

Stella de Oro Daylily

Native Plant

Sticky Monkey Flower



Native Plant

Streamside Monkey Flower

Striped Society Garlic

Native Plant

Sugar Bush

Sugar Gum

Native Plant

Sulfur Flower

Summer Lobelia

Sun Singer Bearded Iris

Sunburst Hypericum

Sunburst Locust

Sunburst Trailing Gazania

Sunburst Trailing Gazania

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Flag

Sweet Gum

Sweet Hakea

Sweet Musette Bearded Iris

Sweet Violet, English Violet

Sweet-Pea Shrub

Tarata Pittosporum

Terra Cotta Yarrow

Thread Leaf Coreopsis

Threadleaf Coreopsis

Tiny Towers Italian Cypress

Tipu Tree, Rosewood

Tom Thumb Flax

Trailing Ice Plant

Trailing Lantana

Trailing Yellow Lantana

Native Plant

Tree Lupine

Tropical Sword Fern

Tulip Tree, Tulip Poplar, Whitewood

Variegated Goutweed

Variegated Ribbon Grass



Native Plant

Verity White Monkey Flower

Veronica Lake Hebe

Violet Trumpet Vine, Lavender Trump

Virginia Creeper

Walther Funcke Yarrow

Weeping Bottlebrush

Weeping White Mulberry

Weeping Willow


West Coast Wild Ginger

Western Catalpa

White Birch, European White Birch

Native Plant

White Blossom Ceanothus, Wild Lilac

Native Plant

White California Poppy

White Chinese Wisteria

White Chinese Wisteria

White Flower Chinese Wisteria

White Gaura

White Ironbark

White Lady Marguerite

White Pine

White Rockrose

White Trailing Lantana

Whoop Em Up Bearded Iris

Wide-leaf Myoporum

Wine & Roses® Weigela

Native Plant

Wright Buckwheat

Wulfen Euphorbia

Native Plant

Yankee Point California Lilac

Yellow Bush Lantana

Yellow Cotton

Native Plant

Yellow Eyed Grass

Yellow Lady Banks' Rose

Yellow Wave Flax

Zebra Iris