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California Native Plant

Rhamnus cal. 'Mound San Bruno'

Mound San Bruno Coffeeberry

Plant photo of: Rhamnus cal. 'Mound San Bruno'
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Information by: PlantMaster        Photographer:



Rhamnus californica 'Mound San Bruno' Coffeeberry is an attractive evergreen that can be a shrubby groundcover, border planting, or foundation plant. .Tolerates shearing and can be shaped into a poodle if you have nothing better to do. A little smaller than Eve Case. More garden tolerant, much less tolerant than either the species or Eve Case of drought, sun, heat or cold. A very good choice for mild coastal environments or a conventional garden where you want to introduce a few native plants. Afternoon shade in the interior and near regular water at most locations. An excellent substitute for Rhaphiolepis. Excellent in those heavy adobe soils that are a little 'springy' after the winter rains. - Bert Wilson Las Pilitas Nursery Images from Anne Weinberger


Plant Type


Height Range


Flower Color


Flower Season


Leaf Color

Dark Green

Bark Color


Fruit Color

Black, Green, Red

Fruit Season


Water Saving Tip:

Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.