Buddleia 'Miss Molly'
Miss Molly Butterfly Bush
As beautifully red as you'll find in the garden! Plus, easy to grow! 'Miss Molly' changes shades through the summer and fall. But each shade is as gorgeous as the previous shade. From fire-engine to magenta and burgundy, this awesome Butterfly Bush provides vivid, distinctive color and spectacular foliage. Attacting butterflies, bees and hummingbirds in the sunny garden, the bottlebrush blooms increase vigorously, allowing for regular cutting for vases from midsummer until the first frost. Growing 5 feet high and 5 to 6 feet wide, 'Miss Molly' requires little care. Cut it down to about one-third its original height in late winter and early spring for increased flower production and watch it grow! There is no easier plant for the sunny garden.