Common name:Queen Palm
Botanical name:Syagrus romanzoffianum
This palm has a very straight trunk to about 50' in height. It has arching, feathery, bright green glossy leaves that can be 10- 15' long. It is fragile in heavy winds and a fast grower. It will become damaged in temperature below 24 degrees F.
Common name:Umbrella Flatsedge
Botanical name:Cyperus alternifolius
This perennial will grow 5-6' tall and has tiny flat leaves with greenish flowers at the center. It also produces fruit that appears golden and then turns to dark brown.
Common name:Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Botanical name:Armeria maritima
This clumping, grass-like perennial is native to many areas, including coastal California. Its flowers range from deep rose pink through white. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Windmill Palm, Hemp Palm
Botanical name:Trachycarpus fortunei
This easy-to-grow palm of medium height will mature to a size of 30', and its slender trunk is covered with dense, heavy fiber topped with a crown of rich green, fan-shaped leaves.
Common name:Australian-Dracaena
Botanical name:Cordyline australis
Cordyline australis is a evergreen shrub that grows 12' to 30' tall and 10' to 15' wide with sword-like leaves. It likes full sun, and is very tolerant of heat and drought. It will live in any type of soil that is well drained. Cut back to develop multiple trunks.
Sustainable landscaping is a term coined to mean sensible landscape practices that work within the limits of the Eco-system. This means within the limits of your local rainfall, soil conditions and sun patterns.
Click in the green box for more information
Designer: Saucy Design
Photographer: GardenSoft
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.
Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.